Trains from Corby to Luton Airport

Corby to Luton Airport train times and prices

Trains to London Luton Airport run every 30 minutes from Corby.

Train tickets to Luton Airport cost from just £13 one-way, with no booking fees.

There are direct trains from Corby to Luton Airport Parkway throughout the day, then it’s a short hop on the new Luton DART shuttle from the station to the airport. Just choose Luton Airport as your destination for a combined ticket that takes you from door-to-door.

How much does a train ticket from Corby to Luton Airport cost?

Combined train and Luton DART tickets from Corby to London Luton Airport cost from £13 one-way or £26 return.

For convenience at a great price, our Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets let you travel at quieter times of day and you can buy from 12 weeks ahead until just before you board. Or get the most flexibility with our Anytime tickets.

Plan your journey online here to check the cheapest train tickets for your journey.

How long does the train from Corby to Luton Airport take?

The train from Corby to Luton Airport takes around 61 minutes. This includes transfer time to the Luton DART terminal at Luton Airport Parkway station and the four-minute shuttle to the airport.

Check your journey online for up to date information on your chosen travel dates or check our timetable.

What is the fastest train from Corby to Luton Airport?

The fastest train from Corby to Luton Airport Parkway is 48 minutes. Then hop on the Luton DART for the four-minute shuttle to the airport.

What is the distance between Corby and Luton Airport by train?

It’s around 45 miles from Corby to London Luton Airport by train.

How many trains are there from Corby to Luton Airport a day?

There are up to 33 Luton Airport Express trains a day from Corby to Luton Airport Parkway.

Are there direct trains from Corby to Luton Airport?

You can travel from Corby to Luton Airport Parkway without changing trains. From here it’s a quick platform change for the Luton DART shuttle to the airport.

What time is the first train from Corby to Luton Airport?

The first Luton Airport Express train leaves Corby station for Luton Airport Parkway at 04:32 from Monday to Friday, and 05:10 on Saturday.

On a Sunday morning services may take longer. The first Luton Airport Express train leaves Corby at 10:00 on Sunday, with a change at Kettering for the EMR Intercity service to Luton Airport Parkway. You can buy tickets for both Luton Airport Express and EMR Intercity services through our online booking page.

The Luton DART runs 24 hours a day.

Can I book assistance for my journey from Corby to Luton Airport?

Yes. You can book assistance at the station and on the train between Corby and London Luton Airport up to just two hours before you travel. Book assistance online or call our Passenger Assist team on 08000 11 33 23.

Station facilities

From car parks and taxi-ranks to toilets and ticket machines, find out more about the facilities at stations on your route. You can also check live departure boards, station accessibility and staff availability to help you plan your journey.

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London to Luton Airport from £10 one-way when you book in advance